Petén, the most important region od the Maya world, has as unique historical value for its archeological wealth, its wildlife and biosphere.
Here legends are born of one of the most amazing cultures in the world. Its fascinating archaeological sites are surrounded by the forest, including the Tikal National Park, which was declared a Natural and Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1979.
There are also Yaxhá, Ceibal, Aguateca, San Bartolo and El Mirador, where the largest pyramid of the Mayan world is located. These places are the setting where the Maya civilization develpoed.
42 kilometers from the Tikal National Park there is Uaxactún, where there is a very important astronomical observatory, one of the very prestigious buildings of that area.
Because of its nature reserves, Petén has been recognized as the lung of the region, which serves as a refuge and shelter to hundreds of plant and animal species. This is also another reason why adventure tourists go there for bird watching, due to the richness and the diversity of the forest.
There also are numerous lakes and lagoon where tourists can relax and enjoy not only the landscape, with its amazing views, but also the nice weather that allows more than 720 species of birds to live there. That is why Guatemala, also known as the Heart of the Mayan World has the nickname of “the land of eternal spring”.
Imagine to be in these landscapes that frame volcanoes, rivers and mountains, and ask yourself why the area etches in the hearts of the visitors.
One of the international airports, called Mundo Maya, is located in Flores, in the Petén region and it is very well connected to the rest of the Guatemala country.
In just a few words, to visit this region equals to live a unique experience accessible to everybody.